This exact week something pretty amazing happened.

I had the honor of getting nominated to the ideal inspiration blogger award by the amazing blogger and fellow makeup-lover Nita from A Spoonie’s Makeup Bag.

Thank you very much for the nomination, I had not seen that coming.

Go check her blog out if you have not!

Now if you do not know what the Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award is, here is what it is described as:

Ideal Inspiration Blogger Award is an unofficial award to the bloggers as a reward of wonderful work on their blogs. It’s just as important because it really reflects the good impact we can have on other people’s lives. It is important for the inspiration towards the success journey of our fellow bloggers and especially newbies to become (Rising Star’s)


  1. Thank the person who nominated you and provide a link to their site
  2. Answer the questions you got
  3. Nominate up to 9 bloggers and ask them 5 new questions
  4. Notify the bloggers you nominate so they know they have been nominated
  5. List the rules and display the award logo in your blog post
  6. Provide a link to the award creator. Rising Star from

And just a disclaimer: I tend to ramble on for hours on end, so sorry in advance for trailing off.

Questions I got from Nita

  1. Have you watched any musicals or plays? If so, which one was your favorite and why?
    I have never really watched that many plays. I know I saw two when I was younger; one with my school and one with my family, but I don’t recall any of those.
    When I was at Efterskole (Something like boarding school but not at all-try asking Wikipedia if you want to know) I was starring in a lot of plays since it was an Efterskole for Performing Arts.
    I remember we had a Revue visiting and playing on our school. They loaned our hall in the three days they were there in exchange for all the students getting free passes to see the Revue. This meant I could go see it as many times as I wanted. I watched it all three days and remember how enchanted and immersed I was.
    The fact that every night had the same outline- the same base story- but still were so vastly different amazed and impressed me; and I truly respected the actors and actresses.

  2. What is your favorite drink to cool off with in the summer?
    This is kind of hard to answer since I almost always can drink a cold soda (not only in the summer days), but I also really like iced coffee or iced tea.

  3. How do you deal with negativity stemming from Social media?
    Negativity is one of those things you cannot go a day without seeing on social media – unfortunately.

    Usually when I notice negativity, my action really depends on what type of negativity it is. Is it just some internet troll writing on every post, picture or video to try to get you down by saying hurtful things and downgrading your position as a human being? Well then, I tend to ignore it. If you answer those people, there is a good chance that they write something dehumanizing to you again.
    The best thing to do (if I have to answer those people), is to answer with kindness.
    Did they tell you that you suck? Your posts are bad and you got no idea how to take pictures? Well then tell them the only reasonable thing: thank you very much, I will take that into consideration when making new content.
    I haven’t met many of these people yet, but look at it from another perspective. Those people just pointed out something that you can improve. Now go improve and if they are still there spouting nonsense afterwards you know you did all you could-let them spout their nonsense without you having to actively take a part- because you just tried doing that by improving yourself.

    Another thing is when noticing someone commenting something negative on another person’s platform. Again, it does not help to comment or tell that person off.
    The thing that actually helps? Spreading positivity!
    If I can brighten someone’s day by writing them a positive comment, then why in the world would I not do it. I cannot take responsibility for another person’s actions, but I can take responsibility for my own.

    The more positive content and comments we put out there, the easier it is to drown out the negative ones.

  4. Do you ever have moments where your self confidence is rattled? If so, how do you deal with it?
    Self-confidence, huh. As someone who had a depression for, I don’t even remember how many years (like 2 really bad years and about 4 years more to actually get afoot), self-confidence and self-love is something I have really struggled with.

    I recently read the book “The Subtle art of not giving a fuck” by Mark Manson.
    He talked about something that really resonated with me; self-confident people and people that truly love themselves do not go around reminding themselves that they are loved. They don’t talk to themselves in the mirror, trying to convince themselves that they are great; because they know they are.
    I instantly thought back to my depression years, looking myself in the mirror ever so often trying to convince myself that I was worth something- anything. As someone depressed, trust me it works- because when you are so far away from accepting yourself, you just have to fake it till you make it. On that note: we have to be careful about what we tell ourselves, because we are listening.

    So to get back to the question of if my self-confidence is ever rattled? Yes, and often when stress is involved. If I have a presentation, an exam or having to do something outside of my comfort zone, my confidence levels can take a quick turn.
    Then to answer the question of what do I do when my confidence gets rattled? I simply don’t give a fuck.
    If it is something you have to do, you gotta do it.
    Forget all about confidence, throw it out the window. Tell the people with that you are nervous and just get down to business. Often, I find that starting whatever I have to do, is the actual part making me nervous, stressed or self-doubting.

    On another note I am also very afraid of conflict, introverted and highly sensitive, which means this method only works with stuff I really NEED to do.
    If I don’t have to then to heck with it. I’m not doing it.
  5. What is your current favorite summer time song?
    I think at the moment it would be Rude my Magic.
    But beside that pretty much all songs with Scarlet Pleasure is also doing the trick. I really like a lot of their music, and most of them reminds me of when I was at a “private” concert with them and I just instantly get in a good mood.


Questions for my nominees:

  1. What is the absolute best thing that has happened in your life so far?
  2. Do you have a special talent, if yes; what is it?
  3. If you could do anything you wanted at all with no risk of failing. What would you do?
  4. Fill in the blank. To me, Happiness is ________.
  5. What always makes you smile?

If it is not to your liking (or you have already done this before)- be free to not react or answer these questions. It is only to spread positivity and get to know each other better! 😊

Go give all these amazing bloggers some love!

I hope you all have a happy life, one day at a time.

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